Legal information


The website is the property of Mr Mater, manager of the Base de Loisirs du Lac Vert and his campsite at Doulcon in Meuse Lorraine.

Hypertext links

We accept no responsibility for websites accessible from its own site.


Photos: Artipair, photos Libres, CDT de la Meuse, Guillaume Ramon, Michel Petit, OT du Val Dunois, Lac Vert, Codecom Val Dunois


Our site is hosted by OVH

Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.

Publication manager: Mrs Collet

Website creation

The site was created using the free and open source software WordPress and the free theme Catch Kathmandu.

It was produced with the help and support of Anne Sophie Bastien, e-tourism project manager for the Meuse Departmental Tourism Committee.